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École supérieure d'art d'Aix-en-Provence Félix Ciccolini


The Felix Ciccolini Aix-en-Provence School of Art is a public institution for cultural cooperation dedicated to higher education in the arts and art research. It prepares students for the National Diploma in Art (DNA, equivalent to a bachelor's degree) and the Higher National Diploma in Visual Expression (DNSEP,equivalent to a master's degree). The school also offers a joint PhD in research in artistic creation with Aix-Marseille University, in the context of the PRISM joint research unit under the supervision of the CNRS.
In addition, the school endeavours to disseminate and promote contemporary artistic creation and art expertise by organising exhibitions, conference cycles and seminars. As an institution committed to its community, it also offers practical art classes for some 400 amateurs (children, adolescents and adults) in the form of 20 workshops in modelling,painting, life drawing, history and current state of experimental music, comics, visual expression,serigraphy, photography, and more. Students and graduates are helped to enhance the value of their work through residency programmes and meetings with art professionals. The school also promotes art to ensure equal access to culture for all by participating in events throughout the city and region.

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